Pre & Post Treatment Instructions

Great permanent makeup begins with a SofTap Artist, but also needs a little help from the customer themselves to have a procedure that will stand the test of time.

Before coming in for a procedure there are a few important things to do:

1. Do not take aspirin (unless required by your Dr) - aspirin is a blood thinner and may cause excessive bleeding, resulting in poor pigment retention

2. You may take Tylenol or Motrin an hour before the procedure if you have a low pain tolerance

3. If you are prone to cold sores and are having your lips done, take a cold sore preventative before the appointment - you may need to contact your Doctor for a prescription

4. Avoid alcohol for 24 hours - may cause you to be more sensitive during the procedure

5. Avoid caffeine - may cause you to be more sensitive during the procedure


Caring for your New Brows

Special instructions to help guide you through the healing process of your brows.

Eyebrow Aftercare


Caring for your New Eyeliner

Detailed directions for preserving the longevity of your eyeliner procedure.

Eyeliner Aftercare


Caring for your New Lips

How to care for your lip procedure during the healing process.

Lip Aftercare